Kevin Vanhoozer, "T. F. Torrance’s Kataphysical Poetics: How the Incarnation Relates Science to Theology" (Deerfield, Illinois: Trinity International University, 2018);
Vanhoozer, Kevin. "T. F. Torrance’s Kataphysical Poetics: How the Incarnation Relates Science to Theology." Deerfield, Illinois: Trinity International University, 2018;
Video of an address at the Carl F. H. Henry Center for Theological Understanding, in The Creation Project series, made possible through the support of The Templeton Religion Trust. Uploaded to Vimeo on Wednesday, July 25, 2018. Licensed CC-by-nc-nd (attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives).
For T. F. Torrance, theological and scientific inquiry stand or fall together. Whereas Western scientists and theologians, ancient and modern, too often depend on universal methods and criteria, Torrance’s fundamental axiom is to think everything, from amoebas to the Alpha and Omega, in ways appropriate to their respective natures. Scientific theology thus begins with incarnation—the self-communication of God in space-time—also the controlling center for the doctrine of creation, insofar as “all things were created through him and for him” (Col. 1:16). Viewing creation through the lens of Christology allows Torrance to integrate theology and science, and to argue that theology contributes something to our knowledge of the natural world hidden from the natural sciences, namely, its contingent order, triadic relationality, and proleptic conditioning by redemption.
Tags: #creation project, #creation, #a modern creature, #doctrine of creation, #Kevin Vanhoozer, #science and theology, #T.F. Torrance, #incarnation.