Douglas Alan Trook, "The Unified Christocentric Field: Toward a Time-Eternity Relativity Model for Theological Hermeneutics in the Onto-Relational Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (Ph.D. dissertation, Drew University, 1986)
Trook, Douglas Alan. "The Unified Christocentric Field: Toward a Time-Eternity Relativity Model for Theological Hermeneutics in the Onto-Relational Theology of Thomas F. Torrance." Ph.D. dissertation, Drew University, 1986
PDF posted here with author's permission.
Ever since my rudimentary introduction to space-time relativity in junior high school, the enigma of time has captivated my imagination and preoccupied my daydreams. Even earlier out of the depths of Christian nurture emerged an abiding intrigue with the eternality of God. However, it seems time and eternity remained illusive and paradoxical speculations because they were always pondered within framework of dualistic reciprocal limitation. It seemed infinity and eternity could only be conceived as that which somehow reached beyond the confines of space and time--what Professor Torrance defines as a finite receptacle view. Thus by the time I first encountered Torrance's Space, Time and Incarnation, I met it withcritical disagreement. In retrospect, I realize, my reaction was due to a fundamental misunderstanding of his view of contingent relation, which struck me, as I suspect it may strike others upon first reading, as introducing a species of relativism into the sovereign domain of God's eternity. There is nothing, however, further from the truth, just as Einsteinian relativity (unfortunately so designated) is antithetical to any space-time relativism, subjectively constituted.
In order to surmount this misunderstanding I began to realize an entire metaphysico-epistemological revolution was required, which at one and the same time was a theological revolution....