Notre Témoignage Réformé dans le Domaine Doctrinal


Thomas F. Torrance, "Notre Témoignage Réformé dans le Domaine Doctrinal," Verbum Caro: Revue théologique et oecuménique trimestrielle 8 (1954): 110-120; #1954-076


Torrance, Thomas F. "Notre Témoignage Réformé dans le Domaine Doctrinal." Verbum Caro: Revue théologique et oecuménique trimestrielle 8 (1954): 110-120; #1954-076

Publication life cycle / General notes

This article is a translation of Torrance's address at the 1954 conference of the General Assembly of the World Reformed Alliance which preceded the second meeting of the World Council of Churches. Reprinted from The Presbyterian World, Sept-Dec 1954 (pp. 314-326); #1953-063.

Reprinted in Conflict and Agreement in the Church, I, Order and Disorder, #1959-139d.

Revision status

Supplied title in French (Our Witness through Doctrine).

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