Thomas F. Torrance, "With Presbyterians," in Conflict and Agreement in the Church, I: Order and Disorder (London: Lutterworth Press, 1959), 76-103; #1959-139d
Torrance, Thomas F. "With Presbyterians." In Conflict and Agreement in the Church, I: Order and Disorder, 76-103. London: Lutterworth Press, 1959; #1959-139d
Publication life cycle / General notes
Part 1: Discussions with Churches.
Ch. 2: With Presbyterians.
Section (b), "Our Witness through Doctrine" (pp. 89-103): "Address given at the Seventeenth General Council of the World Presbyterian Alliance, Princeton, 1954. From The Presbyterian World, Sept-Dec., 1954 [sic?], pp. 314-326." May be 1953, cf. #1953-063.
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