Thomas F. Torrance, Karuvan no Ningenron (Calvin's Doctrine of Man), 1970
Torrance, Thomas F. Karuvan no Ningenron (Calvin's Doctrine of Man), 1970
Publication life cycle / General notes
McGrath: "New Japanese edition by Sakae Izumida."
We propose that this #278 entry is in error, filed by McGrath twice, under both 1970 and 1980.
There is no OCLC record for 1970. The OCLC record for 1980 is described as "new," which would imply that it was the first revised translation since the original appeared in 1957. Unless evidence emerges of the existence of a 1970 edition, this #278 McGrath number should be regarded as suspect; #1980-367 should be retained.
Please let us know if you have either of these 1970 and/or 1980 editions.
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