James Clerk Maxwell, A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, with an Appreciation by Albert Einstein, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982); #1982-399
Maxwell, James Clerk. A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. With An Appreciation by Albert Einstein. Edited by Thomas F. Torrance. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982; #1982-399
Edited with Preface and Introduction. "In Commemoration of The Quartercentenary of the University of Edinburgh 1583-1983 and of The Bicentenary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1783-1983 and in Homage to James Clerk Maxwell 1831-1879, the greatest scientist to study in the former and the most distinguished fellow of the latter."
Preface, ix; #1982-399a.
Introduction, 1; #1982-399b.
An appreciation by Albert Einstein, 29; #1982-399c.
Part I. Introductory, 33.
Part II. Of Electromagnetic Induction, p. 43.
Part III. General Equations of the Electromagnetic Field, p. 60.
Part IV. Mechanical Actions in the Field, p. 71.
Part V. Theory of Condensers, p. 78.
Part VI. The Electromagnetic Theory of Light, 82.
Part VII. Calculation of the Coefficients of Electromagnetic Induction, 94.