Thomas F. Torrance, The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2010); #2010-TFT-1
Torrance, Thomas F. The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science. 2d ed. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2010; #2010-TFT-1
Publication life cycle / General notes
First edition (#1985-449); additional chapters were added in second edition (#1989-505). This is a 2010 reprint of the second edition, and it was reprinted in 2015.
For chapters, notes, and edition changes, see the records for the original publications: 1985-449 1st ed.; with new material in the 1989-505 2d ed.
Included in the Logos Select Works of Thomas F. Torrance collection, #2018-TFT-1-Logos.
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