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Total Records: 2185

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McGrath # Reference Type Date More by this Author Publication View complete record
1969-272 Book chapter 1969 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "La mission de l'Église," in L'Esprit Saint et l'Église: Catholiques, Orthodoxes et Protestants de divers Pays confrontent leur Science, leur Foi et leur Tradition: l'avenir de l'Église et de l'Oecuménisme, ed. Stanislas Isnard Dockx (Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1969), 275-294; #1969-272

La Mission de l'Église
1969-272b Book chapter 1969 Torrance, Thomas F., Schweizer, E, Thurian, Max, Trocmé, E.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Discussion du rapport de M. le professeur Th. F. Torrance," in L'Esprit Saint et l'Église: Catholiques, Orthodoxes et Protestants de divers Pays confrontent leur Science, leur Foi et leur Tradition: l'avenir de l'Église et de l'Oecuménisme, ed. Stanislas Isnard Dockx (Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1969), 295-306; #1969-272b

Discussion du rapport de M. le professeur Th. F. Torrance
1969-272b Book chapter 1969 Torrance, Thomas F., Schweizer, E, Thurian, Max, Trocmé, E.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Discussion du rapport de M. le professeur Th. F. Torrance," in L'Esprit Saint et l'Église: Catholiques, Orthodoxes et Protestants de divers Pays confrontent leur Science, leur Foi et leur Tradition: l'avenir de l'Église et de l'Oecuménisme, ed. Stanislas Isnard Dockx (Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1969), 295-306; #1969-272b

Discussion du rapport de M. le professeur Th. F. Torrance
1969-272b Book chapter 1969 Torrance, Thomas F., Schweizer, E, Thurian, Max, Trocmé, E.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Discussion du rapport de M. le professeur Th. F. Torrance," in L'Esprit Saint et l'Église: Catholiques, Orthodoxes et Protestants de divers Pays confrontent leur Science, leur Foi et leur Tradition: l'avenir de l'Église et de l'Oecuménisme, ed. Stanislas Isnard Dockx (Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1969), 295-306; #1969-272b

Discussion du rapport de M. le professeur Th. F. Torrance
1969-272b Book chapter 1969 Torrance, Thomas F., Schweizer, E, Thurian, Max, Trocmé, E.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Discussion du rapport de M. le professeur Th. F. Torrance," in L'Esprit Saint et l'Église: Catholiques, Orthodoxes et Protestants de divers Pays confrontent leur Science, leur Foi et leur Tradition: l'avenir de l'Église et de l'Oecuménisme, ed. Stanislas Isnard Dockx (Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1969), 295-306; #1969-272b

Discussion du rapport de M. le professeur Th. F. Torrance
1969-273 Book chapter 1969 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Dialogue - Grace and the Sacraments: 1, The Roman Doctrine of Grace from the Point of View of Reformed Theology," in Piet Fransen, Intelligent Theology (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1969), vol. 3, 46-77; #1969-273

Dialogue - Grace and the Sacraments
1968-259 Journal article 1968-12-11 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Obituary for Karl Barth," The Times, London, Dec 11 (1968): p. 10, cols 6-9; #1968-259

Obituary for Karl Barth
1968-256 Journal article 1968 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Ethical Implications of Anselm's De Veritate," Theologische Zeitschrift 24 (1968): 309-319; #1968-256

The Ethical Implications of Anselm's De Veritate
1968-261 Book chapter 1968 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological Persuasion," in Soli Deo Gloria, ed. J. McDowell Richards (Richmond, VA: John Knox Press, 1968), 125-136; #1968-261

Theological Persuasion
1968-255 Journal article 1968 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Cheap and Costly Grace," The Baptist Quarterly 22 (1968): 290-311; #1968-255

Cheap and Costly Grace
1968-257 Journal article 1968 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Hermeneutics according to F. D. E. Schleiermacher," Scottish Journal of Theology 21 (1968): 257-267; #1968-257

Hermeneutics according to F. D. E. Schleiermacher
1968-JBT-1 Journal article 1968 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "Interpretation and Understanding in Schleiermacher's Theology: Some Critical Questions," Scottish Journal of Theology 21 (1968): 268-282; #1968-JBT-1

Interpretation and Understanding in Schleiermacher's Theology: Some Critical Questions
1968-260 Journal article 1968 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological Persuasion," Common Factor 5 (1968): 41-57; #1968-260

Theological Persuasion
1968-254 Journal article 1968 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Edward Schillebeeckx, Revelation and Theology, New Blackfriars 49 (1968): 490-492; #1968-254

Review of Edward Schillebeeckx, Revelation and Theology
1968-252 Book 1968 Hester, James D.

James D. Hester, Paul's Concept of Inheritance, Scottish Journal of Theology Occasional Papers, no. 14, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and J. K. S. Reid (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1968); #1968-252

Paul's Concept of Inheritance
1968-258 Book chapter 1968 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Intuitive and Abstractive Knowledge from Duns Scotus to John Calvin," in Scotismus decursu saeculorum, vol. 4 of De doctrina Ioannis Duns Scoti, Acta Congressus Scotistici Internationalis (Rome: Societas Internationalis Scotistica, 1968), 291-305; #1968-258

Intuitive and Abstractive Knowledge from Duns Scotus to John Calvin
1967-247 Book 1967 Manson, William

William Manson, Jesus and the Christian, ed. with introduction by Thomas F. Torrance (London: James Clarke; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1967); #1967-247

Jesus and the Christian
1967-251 Book chapter 1967 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Thomas Ayton's 'The Original Constitution of the Church'," in Reformation and Revolution: Essays presented to the Very Rev. Principal Emeritus Hugh Watt, D.Litt on the Sixtieth Anniversary of His Ordination, ed. Duncan Shaw (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1967), 273-297; #1967-251

Thomas Ayton's 'The Original Constitution of the Church'
1967-249 Book chapter 1967 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Implications of Oikonomia for Knowledge and Speech of God in Early Christian Theology," in Oikonomia: Heilsgeschichte als Thema der Theologie; Oscar Cullmann zum 65 Geburtstag gewidmet, ed. Felix Christ (Hamburg: Herbert Reich, 1967), 223-238; #1967-249

The Implications of Oikonomia for Knowledge and Speech of God in Early Christian Theology
1967-248 Journal article 1967 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Eclipse of God," The Baptist Quarterly 22 (1967): 194-214; #1967-248

The Eclipse of God
1967-250 Journal article 1967 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Reformed Dogmatics Not Dogmatism," Theology 70 (1967): 152-156; #1967-250

Reformed Dogmatics Not Dogmatism
1966-240 Journal article, Newspaper 1966-5-28 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Bonhoeffer: Myth or Man of Destiny," The Scotsman, May 28 (1966): p. 3, cols. 1-8; #1966-240

Bonhoeffer: Myth or Man of Destiny
1966-240 Journal article, Newspaper 1966-5-28 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Bonhoeffer: Myth or Man of Destiny," The Scotsman, May 28 (1966): p. 3, cols. 1-8; #1966-240

Bonhoeffer: Myth or Man of Destiny
1966-245 Journal article, Newspaper 1966-5-27 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Queries to the General Assembly on Church Union," The Scotsman, May 27 (1966): p. 10, cols. 3-6; #1966-245

Queries to the General Assembly on Church Union
1966-245 Journal article, Newspaper 1966-5-27 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Queries to the General Assembly on Church Union," The Scotsman, May 27 (1966): p. 10, cols. 3-6; #1966-245

Queries to the General Assembly on Church Union
1966-241 Book chapter 1966 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Christian Doctrine of Marriage," in Honesty and God, ed. John M. Morrison (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1966), 155-162; #1966-241

The Christian Doctrine of Marriage
1966-246 Book chapter 1966 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Service in Jesus Christ," in Service in Christ: Essays Presented to Karl Barth on his 80th Birthday, ed. James I. McCord and T. H. L. Parker (London: Epworth Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1966), 1-16; #1966-246

Service in Jesus Christ
1966-TFT-2 Book chapter 1966 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Commentary," in The Theology of Man and Grace: Readings in the Theology of Grace, ed. Edmund J. Fortman, S.J., Contemporary College Theology Series, edited by J. Frank Devine, S.J., and Richard W. Rousseau, S.J. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Bruce Publishing Company, 1966), pp. 1-4, 15-19, 54-57, 81-86, 314-317; #1966-TFT-2

Commentary, The Theology of Man and Grace
1966-236 Book 1966 Torrance, Thomas F., Church of Scotland

Church of Scotland, The Doctrine of Baptism: An Interpretation of the Biblical and Reformed Doctrine of Baptism; #1966-236

The Doctrine of Baptism
1966-236 Book 1966 Torrance, Thomas F., Church of Scotland

Church of Scotland, The Doctrine of Baptism: An Interpretation of the Biblical and Reformed Doctrine of Baptism; #1966-236

The Doctrine of Baptism
1966-237 Book 1966 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Acts of the Apostles 14-28, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. John W. Fraser (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1966); #1966-237

Calvin's Commentaries, The Acts of the Apostles 14-28
1966-244 Journal article 1966 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "La Mission de l'Église," Verbum Caro: Revue théologique et oecuménique trimestrielle 20 (1966): 1-16; #1966-244

La Mission de l'Église
1966-242 Journal article 1966 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Diakonie in Jesus Christus," Die Innere Mission 56 (1966): 201-215; #1966-242

Diakonie in Jesus Christus
1966-243 Journal article 1966 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Mission of the Church," Scottish Journal of Theology 19 (1966): 129-143; #1966-243

The Mission of the Church
1966-TFT-1 Journal article 1966 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Ernst Staehelin, Die Verkündigung des Reiches Gottes in der Kirche Jesu Christi: Zeugnisse aus allen Jahrhunderten und allen Konfessionem, vol. 6 (1963) and vol. 7 (1965), Scottish Journal of Theology 19 (1966): 227-229; #1966-TFT-1

Review of Ernst Staehelin, Die Verkündigung
1966-239 Journal article 1966 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Heinz Brunotte and Otto Weber, eds., Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon, Kirchlich-theologisches Handwörterbuch, Scottish Journal of Theology 19 (1966): 226-227; #1966-239

Review of Heinz Brunotte and Otto Weber, Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon
1966-238 Journal article 1966 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Willis A. Shotwell, The Biblical Exegesis of Justin Martyr, Scottish Journal of Theology 19 (1966): 229-231; #1966-238

Review of Willis A. Shotwell, The Biblical Exegesis of Justin Martyr
1965-232 Journal article, Newspaper 1965-9-6 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Obituary for Dr Albert Schweitzer, OM," The Times, London, Sept 6 (1965): p. 10, cols. 4-5; #1965-232

Obituary for Dr Albert Schweitzer, OM
1965-232 Journal article, Newspaper 1965-9-6 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Obituary for Dr Albert Schweitzer, OM," The Times, London, Sept 6 (1965): p. 10, cols. 4-5; #1965-232

Obituary for Dr Albert Schweitzer, OM
1965-234 Journal article 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "A Tribute to Dr John Alexander Lamb, Librarian of New College," New College Bulletin 2 (1965): 5-6; #1965-234

A Tribute to Dr. John Alexander Lamb
1965-235 Journal article 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Viens, Esprit Createur, pour Renouveau du Culte et du Témoinage," Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 45 (1965): 193-211; #1965-235

Viens, Esprit Createur
1965-231 Journal article 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Komm Schöpfer Geist! Zur Erneuerung von Gottesdienst und Zeugnis," Theologische Zeitschrift 21 (1965): 116-136; #1965-231

Komm Schöpfer Geist!
1965-233 Journal article 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Scientific Character of Theological Statements," Dialog: A Journal of Theology 4 (1965): 112-117; #1965-233

The Scientific Character of Theological Statements
1965-229 Book 1965 Wotherspoon, H. J., Kirkpatrick, J. M.

H. J. Wotherspoon and J. M. Kirkpatrick, A Manual of Church Doctrine according to the Church of Scotland, revised and enlarged by Thomas F. Torrance and Ronald Selby Wright (London:  Oxford University Press, 1965); #1965-229

A Manual of Church Doctrine according to the Church of Scotland
1965-229 Book 1965 Wotherspoon, H. J., Kirkpatrick, J. M.

H. J. Wotherspoon and J. M. Kirkpatrick, A Manual of Church Doctrine according to the Church of Scotland, revised and enlarged by Thomas F. Torrance and Ronald Selby Wright (London:  Oxford University Press, 1965); #1965-229

A Manual of Church Doctrine according to the Church of Scotland
1965-223a Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 9-10; #1965-223a

1965-223b Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological Education Today," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 13-29; #1965-223b

Theological Education Today
1965-223c Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Logic and Analogic of Biblical and Theological Statements in the Greek Fathers," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 30-45; #1965-223c

The Logic and Analogic of Biblical and Theological Statements in the Greek Fathers
1965-223d Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Problem of Theological Statement Today," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 46-61; #1965-223d

The Problem of Theological Statement Today
1965-223e Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Influence of Reformed Theology on the Development of Scientific Method," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 62-75; #1965-223e

The Influence of Reformed Theology on the Development of Scientific Method
1965-223f Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Knowledge of God and Speech about him according to John Calvin," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 76-98; #1965-223f

Knowledge of God and Speech about him according to John Calvin
1965-223g Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Word of God and the Nature of Man," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 99-116; #1965-223g

The Word of God and the Nature of Man
1965-223h Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Questioning in Christ," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 117-127; #1965-223h

Questioning in Christ
1965-223i Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Place of Christology in Biblical and Dogmatic Theology," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 128-149; #1965-223i

The Place of Christology in Biblical and Dogmatic Theology
1965-223j Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Justification: Its Radical Nature and Place in Reformed Doctrine and Life," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 150-168; #1965-223j

Justification: Its Radical Nature and Place in Reformed Doctrine and Life
1965-223k Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Roman Doctrine of Grace from the Point of View of Reformed Theology," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 169-191; #1965-223k

The Roman Doctrine of Grace from the Point of View of Reformed Theology
1965-223m Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Foundation of the Church: Union with Christ through the Spirit," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 192-208; #1965-223m

The Foundation of the Church: Union with Christ through the Spirit
1965-223o Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Relevance of the Doctrine of the Spirit for Ecumenical Theology," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 229-239; #1965-223o

The Relevance of the Doctrine of the Spirit for Ecumenical Theology
1965-223p Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Come, Creator Spirit, for the Renewal of Worship and Witness," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 240-258; #1965-223p

Come, Creator Spirit, for the Renewal of Worship and Witness
1965-223q Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "A New Reformation?," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 259-283; #1965-223q

A New Reformation?
1965-230 Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Epistemological Relevance of the Holy Spirit," in Ex Auditu Verbi: Theologische Opstellen Aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. G. C. Berkhouwer, ed. R. Schippers (Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1965), 272-296; #1965-230

The Epistemological Relevance of the Holy Spirit
1969-223n Book chapter 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Spiritus Creator: A Consideration of the Teaching of St Athanasius and St Basil," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 209-228; #1969-223n

Spiritus Creator
1965-223-pb Book 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965); #1965-223-pb

Theology in Reconstruction
1965-223 Book 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965); #1965-223

Theology in Reconstruction
1965-224 Book 1965 Cranfield, C. E. B.

C. E. B. Cranfield, A Commentary on Romans 12-13, Scottish Journal of Theology Occasional Papers, no. 12, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and J. K. S. Reid (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1965); #1965-224

A Commentary on Romans 12-13
1965-225 Book 1965 Mendieta, Emmanuel Amand de

Emmanuel Amand de Mendieta, Apostolic Traditions in the Theological Thought of St Basil of Caesarea, Scottish Journal of Theology Occasional Papers, no. 13, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and J. K. S. Reid (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1965); #1965-225

Apostolic Traditions in the Theological Thought of St Basil of Caesarea
1965-226 Book 1965 Ramsey, Paul

Paul Ramsey, Deeds and Rules in Christian Ethics, Scottish Journal of Theology Occasional Papers, no. 11, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and J. K. S. Reid (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1965); #1965-226

Deeds and Rules in Christian Ethics
1965-227 Book 1965 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Acts of the Apostles 1-13, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. John W. Fraser and W. J. G. McDonald (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1965); #1965-227

Calvin's Commentaries, Acts 1-13
1965-228 Book 1965 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Epistles of Paul The Apostle to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. T. H. L. Parker (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1965); #1965-228

Calvin's Commentaries,Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians
1965-TFT-1 Book 1965 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Theology in Reconstruction (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1965); #1965-TFT-1

Theology in Reconstruction
1964-218 Journal article 1964-7 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Science, Theology and Unity," Theology Today 21 (1964): 149-154; #1964-218

Science, Theology and Unity
1964-208 Journal article 1964-6-18 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of W. A. Whitehouse, et al., A Declaration of Faith, The British Weekly and Christian World, June 18 (1964): 4; #1964-208

Review of W. A. Whitehouse, A Declaration of Faith
1964-210 Journal article 1964-5-27 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Calvin and the Knowledge of God," The Christian Century 81 (1964): 696-699; #1964-210

Calvin and the Knowledge of God
1964-222 Journal article 1964-5 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Women in Ministry: Reply to Dr Lillie," Manse Mail, May (1964): 9-11; #1964-222

Women in Ministry: Reply to Dr Lillie
1964-219 Journal article 1964-4 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Sermon on Exodus 20:1-14," Monkton Combe Society, April (1964): 13-18; #1964-219

Sermon on Exodus 20:1-14
1964-221 Journal article, Newspaper 1964-2-10 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theology and Science: Dogmatics, the Key to Church Unity," The Scotsman, Feb 10 (1964): 6, cols. 3-5; #1964-221

Theology and Science
1964-221 Journal article, Newspaper 1964-2-10 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theology and Science: Dogmatics, the Key to Church Unity," The Scotsman, Feb 10 (1964): 6, cols. 3-5; #1964-221

Theology and Science
1964-215 Journal article 1964-2 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Ministry of Men and Women in the Kirk: Brief Theses, Second Series," Manse Mail, Feb (1964): 17-20; #1964-215

The Ministry of Men and Women in the Kirk
1964-211 Journal article, Newspaper 1964-1-29 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Changed Outlook of Christians on Unity," The Scotsman, Jan 29 (1964): 8, cols. 3-5; #1964-211

Changed Outlook of Christians on Unity
1964-211 Journal article, Newspaper 1964-1-29 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Changed Outlook of Christians on Unity," The Scotsman, Jan 29 (1964): 8, cols. 3-5; #1964-211

Changed Outlook of Christians on Unity
1964-217 Journal article 1964 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Roman Doctrine of Grace from the Point of View of Reformed Theology," The Eastern Churches Quarterly 16 (1964): 290-312; #1964-217

The Roman Doctrine of Grace from the Point of View of Reformed Theology
1964-220 Journal article 1964 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological Education Today," New College Bulletin 1 (1964): 18-30; #1964-220

Theological Education Today
1964-TFT-1 Journal article 1964

Thomas F. Torrance, ed., New College Bulletin (1964-1966), vols. 1-3; #TFT-1964-1.

New College Bulletin
1964-212 Journal article 1964 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "A Comment on the New Morality," Light and Salt, new vol. 2, no. 1 (1964): 17-20; #1964-212

A Comment on the New Morality
1964-216 Journal article 1964 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "A New Reformation," The London Quarterly and Holborn Review 189 (1964): 275-294; #1964-216

A New Reformation?
1964-214 Journal article 1964 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Knowledge of God and Speech about Him according to John Calvin," Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 44 (1964): 402-422; #1964-214

Knowledge of God and Speech about Him according to John Calvin
1964-213 Journal article 1964 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "John Calvin's Values for Today," Common Factor 2 (1964): 24-25; #1964-213

John Calvin's Values for Today
1964-207 Journal article 1964 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Martin Heidegger, Being and Time, translated by John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson, Journal of Theological Studies 15 (1964): 471-486; #1964-207

Review of Martin Heidegger, Being and Time
1964-209 Journal article 1964 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of J. B. Phillips, Good News for Modern Man, Scottish Journal of Theology 17 (1964): 351-353; #1964-209

Review of J. B. Phillips, Good News for Modern Man
1964-206 Book 1964 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Second Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Corinthians and the Epistles to Timothy, Titus and Philemon, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. T. A. Smail (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1964); #1964-206

Calvin's Commentaries, Second Corinthians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon
1963-197 Journal article 1963-2-28 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Anglican-Methodist Reconciliation," The British Weekly and Christian World, Feb 28 (1963): 7; #1963-197

Anglican-Methodist Reconciliation
1963-191 Book 1963 Godsey, John D.

John D. Godsey, Karl Barth's Table Talk, Scottish Journal of Theology Occasional Papers, no. 10, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and J. K. S. Reid (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd; Richmond, Virginia: John Knox Press, 1963); #1963-191

Karl Barth's Table Talk
1963-192 Book 1963 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Hebrews; and the First and Second Epistles of St Peter, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. William B. Johnston (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1963); #1963-192

Calvin's Commentaries, Hebrews; First and Second Peter
1963-TFT-1 Book 1963 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Royal Priesthood, Scottish Journal of Theology Occasional Papers, no. 3 (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1963); #1963-TFT-1

Royal Priesthood
1963-201 Book chapter 1963 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Introduction," in A Calvin Treasury: Selections from the Institutes of the Christian Religion, ed. William F. Keesecker, trans. Ford Lewis Battles (London: SCM Press, 1963), v-xiii; #1963-201

Introduction, A Calvin Treasury
1963-204 Journal article 1963 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Die Bedeutung der Lehre vom Heiligen Geist für die Ökumenische Theologie," Ökumenische Rundschau 12 (1963): 122-131; #1963-204

Die Bedeutung der Lehre vom Heiligen Geist für die Ökumenische Theologie
1963-200 Journal article 1963 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Influence of Reformed Theology on the Development of Scientific Method," Dialog 2 (1963): 40-49; #1963-200

The Influence of Reformed Theology on the Development of Scientific Method
1963-203 Journal article 1963 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "La Portée de la doctrine du Saint-Esprit pour la théologie oecumenique," Verbum Caro: Revue théologique et oecuménique trimestrielle 17 (1963): 166-176; #1963-203

La Portée de la doctrine du Saint-Esprit pour la théologie oecumenique
1963-205 Journal article 1963 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Das Problem der theologischen Aussage Heute," Theologische Zeitschrift 19 (1963): 318-337; #1963-205

Das Problem der theologischen Aussage Heute
1963-199 Journal article 1963 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Foundation of the Church," Scottish Journal of Theology 16 (1963): 113-131; #1963-199

The Foundation of the Church