David W. Torrance, "The Book of Revelation: Its Message for Today," Participatio Supplement 2 (2013): 138-56; #2013-DWT-3
Torrance, David W. "The Book of Revelation: Its Message for Today." Participatio Supplement 2 (2013): 138-156; #2013-DWT-3
"This paper was originally presented to a conference on the theology of T. F. Torrance in April, 2011, in Firbush, Scotland. In the writing of it I was much indebted to the following sources: T. F. Torrance, The Apocalypse Today (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids: 1959), D. T. Niles, As Seeing the Invisible: A Study of the Book of Revelation (SCM Press, London: 196?), and J. H. B. Masterman, Studies in the Book of Revelation (SPCK, London: 1919). In its present revised form, I am grateful for the practical help of the copy editor ofParticipatio, Ben Taylor."
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