Myk Habets, Theology in Transposition: A Constructive Appraisal of T. F. Torrance (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress Press, 2013)
Habets, Myk. Theology in Transposition: A Constructive Appraisal of T. F. Torrance. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress Press, 2013
Discussed in the Reading Group with Marty Folsom on September 23, 2021: Video.
T. F. Torrance was one of the most significant English–language theologians of the 20th century known extensively for his curatorship of the English translation of Barth's Church Dogmatics but also for his own prodigious theological scholarship. The complexity and astonishing breadth of Torrance's output, however, have made assessment and appropriation markedly difficult. This volume seeks to rectify that lack of assessment through careful exposition of the vital centers and interconnections within Torrance's theology alongside constructive appraisal and critique of his contributions to contemporary theology.
Part I. The architectonic nature of Torrance's scientific Christian dogmatics: essays on method.
1. Who is Thomas Forsyth Torrance?
2. Scientific theology and theological science.
3. Natural theology and a theology of nature.
4. Realist theology and theological realism.
Part II. Select themes within Torrance's theological oeuvre: essays on content.
1. Mystical theology: reading Torrance as a mystical theologian sui generis.
2. Integrative theology: God, world, humanity.
3. Christocentric theology: the fallen humanity of the Son of God.
Postscript: Torrance for the twenty-first century.
Bibliography and indexes.
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