James B. Torrance and the Doctrine of Sanctification


Alexandra S. Radcliff, "James B. Torrance and the Doctrine of Sanctification," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 80-86.


Radcliff, Alexandra S. "James B. Torrance and the Doctrine of Sanctification." Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 80-86.

Publication life cycle / General notes

Reprinted as #2016-ASR-2.


James Torrance's understanding of the vicarious humanity of Christ has significant implications for the doctrine of sanctification. Torrance's presentation of salvation in intimate ontological and filial terms challenges an understanding of sanctification as a detached, legalistic, anthropocentric endeavour. This article extends the implications of Torrance's soteriology to the outworking of sanctification and conceives of it as the free and joyful participation by the Holy Spirit in what Christ has already accomplished for us so that we might enjoy intimate communion with the triune God of grace.

A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance