Michael D. Morrison, ed., Trinitarian Conversations, Volume 2: Interviews With More Theologians (Charlotte, North Carolina: Grace Communion International, 2022)
Morrison, Michael D., editor. Trinitarian Conversations, Volume 2: Interviews With More Theologians. Charlotte, North Carolina: Grace Communion International, 2022
"The chapters in this book are transcripts of interviews conducted as part of the You’re Included series, sponsored by Grace Communion International and Grace Communion Seminary. We have more than 120 interviews available. You may watch them or download video or audio at www.gci.org/YI." (Introduction)
Includes five You’re Included interviews with David W. Torrance. Since 2018, this book has been updated in various editions as additional interviews were added. The 2022 edition is the 7th, which added new interviews with Jeannine Graham, Kerry Magruder, Thomas Noble, and Geordie Ziegler. The subtitle is now Interviews With More Theologians.
The book is available in print or Kindle on Amazon, and on iBooks, as before. A free download is available (as linked to from Days of Discipleship).
Interviews with Jeremy Begbie, Douglas A. Campbell, Cathy Deddo, Gordon Fee, David Fergusson, Myk Habets, Trevor Hart, George Hunsinger, Michael Jinkins, Alister McGrath, Steve McVey, Paul Molnar, Cherith Fee Nordling, Robin Parry, Andrew Purves, Fred Sanders, Stephen Seamands, Daniel Thimell, Alan Torrance, David Torrance, Robert T. Walker, and N.T. Wright.
Interviewed by J. Michael Feazell, Michael D. Morrison, and Gary W. Deddo. Edited by Michael D. Morrison.