Marty Folsom, "Thomas F. Torrance and Personalism: Distinctions, Clarifications, and Paths Forward for Christian Anthropology," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 69-94
Folsom, Marty. "Thomas F. Torrance and Personalism: Distinctions, Clarifications, and Paths Forward for Christian Anthropology." Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 69-94
This introductory essay intends to begin a process of distinguishing the anthropology of T. F. Torrance from historical forms and definitions of personalism. We will note Torrance’s intellectual relationship with some who are referred to as personalists, especially John Macmurray and Michael Polanyi. Torrance’s theological anthropology, grounded christologically, was aided by employing their scientific and philosophical insights. Their epistemological and ontological methods assisted in formulating appropriate theological commitments. Having shed light on Torrance’s methodology, we are then able to see the way forward for a trinitarian, scientific, personalistic anthropology. His strategy allows for the development of anthropology deriving from the Personalizing Person, which then informs a dynamic and relational anthropology. Having established a christocentric, realist starting point, the way is open to follow the Spirit to develop a creative and robust service for the church and a revitalized form of human flourishing.