Stephen Lorance, "T. F. Torrance's Ecumenical Trinitarianism: Cutting behind the “Latin Heresy” in Augustine's Trinitarian Theology" (PhD dissertation, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2021)
Lorance, Stephen. "T. F. Torrance's Ecumenical Trinitarianism: Cutting behind the “Latin Heresy” in Augustine's Trinitarian Theology." PhD dissertation, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2021
Major professor: Keith S. Whitfield. Second faculty reader: Steven A. McKinion. External reader: David Fergusson. PhD director: Jacob M. Pratt.
ProQuest#: 28490784
For Torrance, Trinitarian theology is an ecumenical endeavor. This thesis examines T. F. Torrance’s Trinitarian theology as it relates to his efforts toward ecumenical rapprochement across the East-West divide. More specifically, Torrance’s Trinitarianism must be understood in light of his criticism of Augustinianism, whereby he issues a consciously ‘contra-Augustinian’ Trinitarian ontology—specifically on the points of the “Triune monarchy” and “perichoretic procession.” The way to see the above is to filter Torrance’s Trinitarian theology through the lens of his dogmatic methodology—that is, his unique integration of historical, constructive, and ecumenical concerns. In the end, Torrance’s ecumenical advance on the Trinity is only possible by cutting behind the Augustinian dualism in both the West and East.