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Total Records: 2185

This Bibliography includes Sources, Studies and Member Publications. Narrow the display or change sorting criteria using the controls below. To submit a publication for consideration, please use the Publications Form.

McGrath # Reference Type Date More by this Author Publication View complete record
1991-CBK-1 Book 1991 Kaiser, Christopher B.

Christopher B. Kaiser, Creation and the History of Science (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1991)

Creation and the History of Science
1991-540 Book chapter 1991 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Transcendental Role of Wisdom in Science," in Science et Sagesse: Entretiens de l'Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences, 1990, ed. Evandro Agazzi (Fribourg: Éditions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse - Universitätsverlag Freiburg Schweiz, 1991), 63-80; #1991-540

The Transcendental Role of Wisdom in Science
1991-JBT-1a Book chapter 1991 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "The Doctrine of the Trinity in Our Contemporary Situation," in The Forgotten Trinity: A Selection of Papers Presented to the BCC Study Commission on Trinitarian Doctrine Today, ed. Alasdair I. C. Heron (London: British Council of Churches, 1991), 3-17; #1991-JBT-1a

The Doctrine of the Trinity in Our Contemporary Situation
1990-531 Journal article 1990-8 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Superlative J. S. Stewart," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1990): 29; #1990-531

The Superlative J. S. Stewart
1990-TFT-2 Audiovisual material 1990-10-16 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological Thinking," in Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive (1990,; #1990-TFT-2

Theological Thinking
1990-528 Journal article 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Real Crisis, Part 2 - The Crisis of Morality," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1990) 11: 15-6; #1990-528

The Real Crisis, Part 2 - The Crisis of Morality
1990-527 Journal article 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Real Crises, Part 1 - The Kirk's Crisis of Faith," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1990) 10: 15-6; #1990-527

The Real Crises, Part 1 - The Kirk's Crisis of Faith
1990-529 Journal article 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Real Crises, Part 3 - The Crisis of Community," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1990) 12: 16-7; #1990-529

The Real Crises, Part 3 - The Crisis of Community
1990-519 Journal article 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Calvin's Doctrine of the Trinity," Calvin Theological Journal 25 (1990): 165-93; #1990-519

Calvin's Doctrine of the Trinity
1990-521 Journal article 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity - Gregory Nazianzen and John Calvin," Sobornost 12 (1990): 7-24; #1990-521

Gregory Nazianzen and John Calvin
1990-526 Journal article 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Nachruf auf Harold P. Nebelsick (1925-1989 / A Tribute to Harold P. Nebelsick (1925-1989)," Glaube und Denken: Jahrbuch der Karl-Heim-Gesellschaft 3 (1990): 11-9; #1990-526

Nachruf auf Harold P. Nebelsick (1925-1989
1990-IRT Journal article 1990 Torrance, Iain R.

Iain R. Torrance, "A Bibliography of the Writings of Thomas F. Torrance, 1941-1989," Scottish Journal of Theology 43 (1990): 225-262; #1990-IRT

A Bibliography of the Writings of Thomas F. Torrance, 1941-1989
1990-517 Book 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990); #1990-517

Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian
1990-518 Book 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Science Théologique, ed. and trans. Jean-Yves Lacoste (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1990); #1990-518

Science Théologique
1990-TFT-1 Book 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Kagaku to shiteno shingaku no kiso (The Ground and Grammar of Theology), trans. Wataru Mizugaki and Sadamichi Ashina (1990); #1990-TFT-1

Kagaku to shiteno shingaku no kiso
1990-524 Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Fundamental Issues in Theology and Science," in Science and Religion: One world - Changing Perspectives on Reality, ed. Jan Fennema and Iain Paul (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990), 35-46; #1990-524

Fundamental Issues in Theology and Science
1990-517a Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Foreword," in Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990), ix-xii; #1990-517a

1990-517b Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Karl Barth: 1886-1968," in Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990), 1-26; #1990-517b

Karl Barth: 1886-1968
1990-517c Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Intellectual Context of Barth's Thought," in Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990), 27-82; #1990-517c

The Intellectual Context of Barth's Thought
1990-517d Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Karl Barth, Theologian of the Word," in Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990), 83-120; #1990-517d

Karl Barth, Theologian of the Word
1990-517e Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "My Interaction with Karl Barth," in Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990), 121-135; #1990-517e

My Interaction with Karl Barth
1990-517f Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Natural Theology in the Thought of Karl Barth," in Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990), 136-159; #1990-517f

Natural Theology in the Thought of Karl Barth
1990-517g Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Legacy of Karl Barth," in Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990), 160-181; #1990-517g

The Legacy of Karl Barth
1990-517h Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Karl Barth and Patristic Theology," in Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990), 182-212; #1990-517h

Karl Barth and Patristic Theology
1990-517i Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Karl Barth and the Latin Heresy," in Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990), 213-240; #1990-517i

Karl Barth and the Latin Heresy
1990-520 Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Distinctive Character of the Reformed Tradition," in Incarnational Ministry: The Presence of Christ in Church, Society, and Family; Essays in Honor of Ray S. Anderson, ed. Christian D. Kettler and Todd H. Speidell (Colorado Springs, CO: Helmers & Howard, 1990), 2-15; #1990-520

The Distinctive Character of the Reformed Tradition
1990-522 Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity - Gregory Nazianzen and John Calvin," in Calvin Studies V, ed. John H. Leith and W. Stacy Johnson (Richmond, VA: Union Theological Seminary, 1990), 7-19; #1990-522

The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity - Gregory Nazianzen and John Calvin
1990-523 Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F., Martin, Gordon Wood

Thomas F. Torrance, "Foreword," in Gordon Martin, St Paul's Table Talk and Other Papers (Braunton, Devon: Merlin Books, 1990), 5; #1990-523

1990-523 Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F., Martin, Gordon Wood

Thomas F. Torrance, "Foreword," in Gordon Martin, St Paul's Table Talk and Other Papers (Braunton, Devon: Merlin Books, 1990), 5; #1990-523

1990-525 Book chapter 1990 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Message of Pope John Paul II to Theologians and Scientists Commemorating the Third Centenary of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica," in John Paul II On Science and Religion: Reflections on the New View from Rome, ed. Robert John Russell, William R. Stoeger and George V. Coyne, S.J. (Vatican City: Vatican Observatory Publications, 1990), 105-112; #1990-525

The Message of Pope John Paul II
1990-530 Book chapter 1990 Bauman, Michael, Torrance, Thomas F.

Michael Bauman, "Thomas Torrance," in Roundtable Conversations with European Theologians (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1990), 111-118; #1990-530

Thomas Torrance
1990-530 Book chapter 1990 Bauman, Michael, Torrance, Thomas F.

Michael Bauman, "Thomas Torrance," in Roundtable Conversations with European Theologians (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1990), 111-118; #1990-530

Thomas Torrance
1990-JBT-1 Book chapter 1990 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "The Ministry of Reconciliation Today: The Realism of Grace," in Incarnational Ministry: The Presence of Christ in Church, Society, and Family; Essays in Honor of Ray S. Anderson, ed. Christian D. Kettler and Todd H. Speidell (Helmers & Howard: Colorado Springs, CO, 1990), 130-139; #1990-JBT-1

The Ministry of Reconciliation Today: The Realism of Grace
1990-JYL Book chapter 1990 Lacoste, Jean-Yves

Jean-Yves Lacoste, "Bibliographie des Oeuvres Publiées par T. F. Torrance, 1940-1989," in Thomas F. Torrance, Science Théologique, trans. Jean-Yves Lacoste (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1990), 383-405; #1990-JYL

Bibliographie des Oeuvres Publiées par T. F. Torrance, 1940-1989
1990-WS-1 Book 1990 Storrar, William

William F. Storrar, Scottish Identity: A Christian Vision (Edinburgh: The Handsel Press, Ltd., 1990)

Scottish Identity
1990-CDK-THS-1 Book 1990

Christian D. Kettler and Todd H. Speidell, eds., Incarnational Ministry: The Presence of Christ in Church, Society, and Family; Essays in Honor of Ray S. Anderson (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1990)

Incarnational Ministry: The Presence of Christ in Church, Society, and Family; Essays in Honor of Ray S. Anderson
1990-CBK-1 Journal article 1990 Kruger, C. Baxter

C. Baxter Kruger, "The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God in the Theology of T. F. Torrance: Sharing in the Son's Communion with the Father in the Spirit," Scottish Journal of Theology 43 (1990): 366-389

The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God in the Theology of T. F. Torrance
1989-509 Journal article 1989-4 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "A Centenary with Implications" (Alfred Edward Edersheim), Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1989): 17-8; #1989-509

A Centenary with Implications
1989-TFT-1 Audiovisual material 1989-10-12 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Science, Theology, and the Resurrection," in Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive (1989,; #1989-TFT-1

Science, Theology, and the Resurrection
1989-508 Journal article 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Apocalypse Now 4: The Voice of Jesus Breaks Through," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1989), 1: 19-20; #1989-508

The Apocalypse Now 4
1989-510 Journal article 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity according to St Athanasius," Anglican Theological Review 71 (1989): 395-405; #1989-510

The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity according to St Athanasius
1989-516 Journal article 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Where is the Church of Scotland Going?" Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1989) 5: 25-6; #1989-516

Where is the Church of Scotland Going?
1989-515 Journal article 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Tom Torrance's Reply on Israel," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1989) 7: 33-34; #1989-515

Tom Torrance's Reply on Israel
1989-513 Journal article 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "An Open Letter to the Church and Nation Committee" (Tom Torrance and the 'Claim of Right'), Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1989), 9: 39; #1989-513

An Open Letter to the Church and Nation Committee
1989-534 Journal article 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Archbishop Methodios Fouyas," Ekklesia kai Theologia 10 (1989): 11-15; #1989-534

Archbishop Methodios Fouyas
1989-TFT-KR-1 Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F., Roy, Kenneth

Kenneth Roy, "Thumping the Table: Very Rev. Thomas F. Torrance," in Conversations in a Small Country: Scottish Interviews (Ayr, Scotland: Carrick Publishing, 1989), 115-121

Thumping the Table
1989-TFT-KR-1 Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F., Roy, Kenneth

Kenneth Roy, "Thumping the Table: Very Rev. Thomas F. Torrance," in Conversations in a Small Country: Scottish Interviews (Ayr, Scotland: Carrick Publishing, 1989), 115-121

Thumping the Table
1989-505 Book 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989); #1989-505

The Christian Frame of Mind
1989-506 Book 1989 Stannard, Russell

Russell Stannard, Grounds for Reasonable Belief, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1989); #1989-506

Grounds for Reasonable Belief
1989-507 Book 1989 Ambrose, E. Jack

E. Jack Ambrose, The Mirror of Creation, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1989); #1989-507

The Mirror of Creation
1989-511a Book 1989

Trevor A. Hart and Daniel P. Thimell, eds., Christ in Our Place: The Humanity of God in Christ for the Reconciliation of the World; Essays presented to Professor James Torrance (Exeter, Great Britain: Paternoster Press; Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1989); #1989-511a

Christ in Our Place
1989-JBT-1 Book 1989 Torrance, James B., Carras, Costa

The Forgotten Trinity: The Report of the BCC Study Commission on Trinitarian Doctrine Today (London: British Council of Churches, 1989); #1989-JBT-1

The Forgotten Trinity: The Report
1989-JBT-1 Book 1989 Torrance, James B., Carras, Costa

The Forgotten Trinity: The Report of the BCC Study Commission on Trinitarian Doctrine Today (London: British Council of Churches, 1989); #1989-JBT-1

The Forgotten Trinity: The Report
1989-JBT-2 Book 1989 Torrance, James B., Carras, Costa

The Forgotten Trinity: A Study Guide on Issues Contained in the Report of the BCC Study Commission on Trinitarian Doctrine Today (London: British Council of Churches, 1989); #1989-JBT-2

The Forgotten Trinity: A Study Guide
1989-JBT-2 Book 1989 Torrance, James B., Carras, Costa

The Forgotten Trinity: A Study Guide on Issues Contained in the Report of the BCC Study Commission on Trinitarian Doctrine Today (London: British Council of Churches, 1989); #1989-JBT-2

The Forgotten Trinity: A Study Guide
1989-505j Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Theology of Light: A University Sermon," in The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989), 147-155; #1989-505j

The Theology of Light: A University Sermon
1989-505a Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface to the New Edition," in The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989), vii; #1989-505a

Preface to the New Edition
1989-505b Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface to the 1985 Edition," in The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989), viii-x; #1989-505b

Preface to the 1985 Edition
1989-505c Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Greek Christian Mind," in The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989), 1-16; #1989-505c

The Greek Christian Mind
1989-505d Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Concept of Order in Theology and Science," in The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989), 17-34; #1989-505d

The Concept of Order in Theology and Science
1989-505e Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Man, Mediator of Order," in The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989), 35-64; #1989-505e

Man, Mediator of Order
1989-505f Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological and Scientific Inquiry," in The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989), 65-85; #1989-505f

Theological and Scientific Inquiry
1989-505g Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Fundamental issues in Theology and Science," in The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989), 87-106; #1989-505g

Fundamental issues in Theology and Science
1989-505h Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Realism and Openness in Scientific Inquiry," in The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989), 107-123; #1989-505h

Realism and Openness in Scientific Inquiry
1989-505i Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The University within a Christian Culture," in The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science, 2d ed. (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Helmers & Howard, 1989), 125-146; #1989-505i

The University within a Christian Culture
1989-506a Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F., Stannard, Russell

Thomas F. Torrance, "General Foreword," in Russell Stannard, Grounds for Reasonable Belief, Theology and Science at the Frontiers of Knowledge, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1989), ix-xii; #1989-506a

General Foreword
1989-506a Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F., Stannard, Russell

Thomas F. Torrance, "General Foreword," in Russell Stannard, Grounds for Reasonable Belief, Theology and Science at the Frontiers of Knowledge, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1989), ix-xii; #1989-506a

General Foreword
1989-507a Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F., Ambrose, E. Jack

Thomas F. Torrance, "General Foreword," in E. Jack Ambrose, The Mirror of Creation, Theology and Science at the Frontiers of Knowledge, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1989), vii-x; #1989-507a

General Foreword
1989-507a Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F., Ambrose, E. Jack

Thomas F. Torrance, "General Foreword," in E. Jack Ambrose, The Mirror of Creation, Theology and Science at the Frontiers of Knowledge, ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1989), vii-x; #1989-507a

General Foreword
1989-511 Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Goodness and Dignity of Man in the Christian Tradition," in Christ in Our Place: The Humanity of God in Christ for the Reconciliation of the World; Essays presented to Professor James Torrance, ed. Trevor A. Hart and Daniel P. Thimell (Exeter, Great Britain: Paternoster Press; Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1989), 369-387; #1989-511

The Goodness and Dignity of Man in the Christian Tradition
1989-512 Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Hermeneutics of Erasmus," in Probing the Reformed Tradition: Historical Studies in Honor of Edward A. Dowey, Jr., ed. Elsie Anne McKee and Brian G. Armstrong (Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1989), 48-76; #1989-512

The Hermeneutics of Erasmus
1989-514 Book chapter 1989 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Soul and Person, in Theological Perspective," in Religion, Reason and the Self: Essays in Honour of Hywel D. Lewis, ed. Stewart R. Sutherland and T. A. Roberts (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1989), 103-118; #1989-514

The Soul and Person, in Theological Perspective
1988-501 Journal article 1988-12 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Light of the World: A Sermon," The Reformed Journal 38, 12 (1988): 9-12; #1988-501

The Light of the World
1988-494 Journal article 1988-12 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Apocalypse Now 3: Babylon, Symbol of Worldly Power... An Imitation of the Kingdom of God," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1988): 16-17; #1988-494

The Apocalypse Now 3
1988-497 Journal article 1988-1 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Fundamentale Ergebnisse in Theologie und Wissenschaft," IBW Journal: Zeitschrift des Deutsches Institut für Bildung und Wissen 26 (1988): 11-21; #1988-497

Fundamentale Ergebnisse in Theologie und Wissenschaft
1988-492 Journal article 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Apocalypse Now 1: On the Book of Revelation," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1988), 10: 19-20; #1988-492

The Apocalypse Now 1
1988-493 Journal article 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Apocalypse Now 2: The Gospel Depends on the Cross," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1988), 11: 20-21; #1988-493

The Apocalypse Now 2
1988-495 Journal article 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Early Patristic Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures," Ekklesia kai Theologia 9 (1988): 137-70; #1988-495

Early Patristic Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures
1988-498 Journal article 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Goodness and Dignity of Man in the Christian Tradition," Modern Theology 4 (1988): 309-22; #1988-498

The Goodness and Dignity of Man in the Christian Tradition
1988-502 Journal article 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Physikos kai Theologikos Logos: St Paul and Athenagoras at Athens," Scottish Journal of Theology 41 (1988): 11-26; #1988-502

Physikos kai Theologikos Logos
1988-504 Journal article 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Realism and Openness in Scientific Inquiry," Zygon 23 (1988): 159-169; #1988-504

Realism and Openness in Scientific Inquiry
1998-JBT-2 Audiovisual material 1988 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "The Triune God of the Covenant," Reformation Heritage Lectures, 1988, Beeson Divinity School (Great Preachers Past and Present, Beeson Podcast, May 30, 2017,…); #1998-JBT-2

The Triune God of the Covenant
1988-IRT-1 Book 1988 Torrance, Iain R.

Iain R. Torrance, Christology after Chalcedon: Severus of Antioch and Sergius the Monophysite (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 1988)

Christology after Chalcedon
1988-489a Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Foreword," in The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988), 1-11; #1988-489a

1988-489b Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Faith and Godliness," in The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988), 13-46; #1988-489b

Faith and Godliness
1988-489c Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Access to the Father," in The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988), 47-75; #1988-489c

Access to the Father
1988-489d Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Almighty Creator," in The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988), 76-109; #1988-489d

The Almighty Creator
1988-489e Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "God of God, Light of Light," in The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988), 110-145; #1988-489e

God of God, Light of Light
1988-489f Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Incarnate Saviour," in The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988), 146-190; #1988-489f

The Incarnate Saviour
1988-489g Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Eternal Spirit," in The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988), 191-251; #1988-489g

The Eternal Spirit
1988-489h Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The One Church," in The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988), 252-301; #1988-489h

The One Church
1988-489i Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Triunity of God," in The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988), 302-340; #1988-489i

The Triunity of God
1988-496 Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Foreword," in Words of Jesus Christ: Revised on behalf of the Order of Christian Unity (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), iii-iv; #1988-496

1988-499 Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Hermeneutics of Clement of Alexandria," in Texts and Studies: A Review for Hellenism in the Diaspora (London: Thyateira House; Foundation for Hellenism in Great Britain, 1988), 61-105; #1988-499

The Hermeneutics of Clement of Alexandria
1988-500 Book chapter 1988

Andrew Walker and Thomas F. Torrance, "Interview with Professor Thomas F. Torrance," in Different Gospels, ed. Andrew Walker (London: Hodder & Stoughton; The C.S. Lewis Centre, 1988), 42-54; #1988-500

Interview with Professor Thomas F. Torrance
1988-503 Book chapter 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Realism and Openness in Scientific Inquiry," in La Mystique: Actes du Colloque tenu à Kolymbari, Crète, du 12 au 18 Septembre 1985, ed. Jean-Marie Van Cangh (Paris: Desclée, 1988), 231-241; #1988-503

Realism and Openness in Scientific Inquiry
1988-JBT-1 Book chapter 1988 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "Interpreting the Word by the Light of Christ or the Light of Nature? Calvin, Calvinism, and Barth," in Calviniana: Ideas and Influence of Jean Calvin, ed. Robert V. Schnucker, Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies, 10 (Kirksville, Missouri: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, Inc., 1988), 255-267; #1988-JBT-1

Interpreting the Word by the Light of Christ or the Light of Nature? Calvin, Calvinism, and Barth
1988-488 Book 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, The Hermeneutics of John Calvin, Monograph Supplements to Scottish Journal of Theology, ed. A. I. C. Heron and Iain R. Torrance (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1988); #1988-488

The Hermeneutics of John Calvin
1988-489 Book 1988 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, The Trinitarian Faith: The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988); #1988-489

The Trinitarian Faith
1988-490 Book 1988 Torrance, Thomas

Thomas Torrance, China's First Missionaries, 'Ancient Israelites,' ed. Thomas F. Torrance (Chicago: Daniel Shaw Co., 1988); #1988-490

China's First Missionaries, 1988