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Total Records: 2185

This Bibliography includes Sources, Studies and Member Publications. Narrow the display or change sorting criteria using the controls below. To submit a publication for consideration, please use the Publications Form.

McGrath # Reference Type Date More by this Author Publication View complete record
1996-CNTC-11 Book 1996 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Epistles of Paul The Apostle to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. T. H. L. Parker, Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, vol. 11 (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996); #1996-CNTC-11

Calvin's Commentaries, The Epistles of Paul The Apostle to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians
1996-JBT-1 Book 1996 Irving, Edward

Graham W. P. McFarlane, ed., Edward Irving: The Trinitarian Face of God, The Devotional Library, ed. James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996); #1996-JBT-1

Edward Irving: The Trinitarian Face of God
1996-JBT-2 Book 1996 MacDonald, George, Deddo, Gary W.

Gary W. Deddo and Catherine A. Deddo, George MacDonald: A Devotional Guide to His Writings, The Devotional Library, ed. Michael Jinkins and James B. Torrance (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996); #1996-JBT-2

George MacDonald: A Devotional Guide to His Writings
1996-JBT-2 Book 1996 MacDonald, George, Deddo, Gary W.

Gary W. Deddo and Catherine A. Deddo, George MacDonald: A Devotional Guide to His Writings, The Devotional Library, ed. Michael Jinkins and James B. Torrance (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996); #1996-JBT-2

George MacDonald: A Devotional Guide to His Writings
1996-JBT-3 Book 1996 Fergusson, David A. S.

David A. S. Fergusson, ed., John and Donald Baillie: Selected Writings, The Devotional Library, ed. James B. Torrance and Michael Jenkins (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1997)

John and Donald Baillie: Selected Writings
1996-JBT-6 Book 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Carlisle, U.K.: Paternoster Press, 1996); #1996-JBT-6

Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace
1996-JBT-7 Book 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1996); #1996-JBT-7

Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace
1996-TFT-1 Book 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Conflict and Agreement in the Church, 2 vols. (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 1996); #1996-TFT-1

Conflict and Agreement in the Church
1996-603 Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "From John Knox to John McLeod Campbell: A Reading of Scottish Theology," in Disruption to Diversity: Edinburgh Divinity 1846-1996, ed. David F. Wright and Gary D. Badcock (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 1-28; #1996-603

From John Knox to John McLeod Campbell: A Reading of Scottish Theology
1996-595a Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface," in The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), ix-xii; #1996-595a

1996-595b Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Introduction,” The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 1-12; #1996-595b

1996-595c Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Christian Perspective," in The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 13-31; #1996-595c

The Christian Perspective
1996-595d Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Biblical Frame," in The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 32-72; #1996-595d

The Biblical Frame
1996-595e Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Trinitarian Mind," in The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 73-111; #1996-595e

The Trinitarian Mind
1996-595f Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "One Being, Three Persons," in The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 112-135; #1996-595f

One Being, Three Persons
1996-595g Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Three Persons, One Being," in The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 136-167; #1996-595g

Three Persons, One Being
1996-595h Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity," in The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 168-202; #1996-595h

Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity
1996-595i Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Sovereign Creator," in The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 203-234; #1996-595i

The Sovereign Creator
1996-595j Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Unchangeableness of God," in The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 235-256; #1996-595j

The Unchangeableness of God
1996-604 Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Ministry of Women," in The Call to Serve: Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Ministry in Honour of Bishop Penny Jamieson, ed. Douglas A. Campbell (Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996), 269-284; #1996-604

The Ministry of Women
1996-606 Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Transcendental Role of Wisdom in Science," in Facets of Faith and Science: Historiography and Modes of Interaction, ed. Jitse van der Meer (Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America; Pascal Centre for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science, 1996), 131-149; #1996-606

The Transcendental Role of Wisdom in Science
1996-608 Book chapter 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.


Thomas F. Torrance, "Ultimate and Penultimate Beliefs in Science," in Facets of Faith and Science: Historiography and Modes of Interaction, ed. Jitse van der Meer (Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America; Pascal Centre for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science, 1996), 151-176; #1996-608

Ultimate and Penultimate Beliefs in Science
1996-JBT-1b Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B., Jinkins, Michael

James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins, "General Editors' Foreword," in Edward Irving: The Trinitarian Face of God, ed. Graham W. P. McFarlane (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996), iv; #1996-JBT-1b

General Editors' Foreword
1996-JBT-1b Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B., Jinkins, Michael

James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins, "General Editors' Foreword," in Edward Irving: The Trinitarian Face of God, ed. Graham W. P. McFarlane (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996), iv; #1996-JBT-1b

General Editors' Foreword
1996-JBT-2b Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B., Jinkins, Michael

James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins, "General Editors' Foreword," in George MacDonald: A Devotional Guide to His Writings, ed. Gary W. Deddo and Catherine A. Deddo (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996), vii; #1996-JBT-2b

General Editors' Foreword
1996-JBT-2b Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B., Jinkins, Michael

James B. Torrance and Michael Jinkins, "General Editors' Foreword," in George MacDonald: A Devotional Guide to His Writings, ed. Gary W. Deddo and Catherine A. Deddo (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1996), vii; #1996-JBT-2b

General Editors' Foreword
1996-JBT-3b Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B., Jinkins, Michael


General Editors' Foreword
1996-JBT-3b Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B., Jinkins, Michael


General Editors' Foreword
1996-JBT-4 Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B., McLeod Campbell, John

James B. Torrance, "Introduction," in John McLeod Campbell: The Nature of the Atonement, ed. James B. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996), 1-16; #1996-JBT-4

Introduction, Nature of the Atonement
1996-JBT-4 Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B., McLeod Campbell, John

James B. Torrance, "Introduction," in John McLeod Campbell: The Nature of the Atonement, ed. James B. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996), 1-16; #1996-JBT-4

Introduction, Nature of the Atonement
1996-JBT-5 Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "I Know Not How to Pray," in New Creation Hymn Book (1996), Hymn 347; #1996-JBT-5

I Know Not How to Pray
1996-JBT-7a Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "Preface," in Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1996), 9-11; #1996-JBT-7a

1996-JBT-7b Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "The Place of Jesus Christ in Worship," in Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1996), 12-18; #1996-JBT-7b

The Place of Jesus Christ in Worship
1996-JBT-7c Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "Worship – Unitarian or Trinitarian?," in Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1996), 19-41; #1996-JBT-7c

Worship – Unitarian or Trinitarian?
1996-JBT-7d Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "The Sole Priesthood of Christ, the Mediator of Worship," in Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1996), 43-67; #1996-JBT-7d

The Sole Priesthood of Christ, the Mediator of Worship
1996-JBT-7e Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "Baptism and the Lord's Supper – the Way of Communion," in Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1996), 69-94; #1996-JBT-7e

Baptism and the Lord's Supper
1996-JBT-7f Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "Gender, Sexuality and the Trinity," in Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1996), 95-120; #1996-JBT-7f

Gender, Sexuality and the Trinity
1996-JBT-7g Book chapter 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "On Human Language for God: Simile, Metaphor, Parable, Analogy, Name," in Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1996), 121-125; #1996-JBT-7g

On Human Language for God
1996-595-pb Book 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being, Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996); #1996-595

The Christian Doctrine of God
1996-597-Logos Book 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Kingdom and Church: A Study in the Theology of the Reformation (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 1996); Bellingham, Washington: Faithlife Corporation, Logos Bible Software, 2018; #1996-597-Logos

Kingdom and Church
1996-TFT-1-Logos Book 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Conflict and Agreement in the Church, 2 vols. (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 1996); Bellingham, Washington: Faithlife Corporation, Logos Bible Software, 2018; #1996-TFT-1-Logos

Conflict and Agreement in the Church
1996-600-Logos Book 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, When Christ Comes and Comes Again (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 1996); Bellingham, Washington: Faithlife Corporation, Logos Bible Software, 2018, #1996-600-Logos

When Christ Comes and Comes Again
1996-DFW-GDB-1 Book 1996 Torrance, Thomas F.

David F. Wright and Gary D. Badcock, eds., Disruption to Diversity: Edinburgh Divinity 1846-1996 (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996)

Disruption to Diversity
1996-JMC-1 Book 1996 McLeod Campbell, John

John McLeod Campbell: The Nature of the Atonement, ed. James B. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996), 1-16; #1996-JMC-1

The Nature of the Atonement
0000-JBT-1 Audiovisual material 1996 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, Gender, Sex and the Trinity (Audio recording); -JBT-pending

Gender, Sex and the Trinity
1996-PDM-1 Book 1996 Molnar, Paul D.

Paul D. Molnar, Karl Barth and the Theology of the Lord's Supper: A Systematic Investigation, Issues in Systematic Theology, 1, edited Paul D. Molnar (New York: Peter Lang, 1996)

Karl Barth and the Theology of the Lord's Supper
1995-593 Journal article 1995-4 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Swamp of Secularism," Ministers' Forum: News & Views for Ministers of the Church of Scotland 173 (1995): ; #1995-593

The Swamp of Secularism
1995-JBT-1 Audiovisual material 1995 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, Gender, Sexuality and the Trinity (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1995); #1995-JBT-1

Gender, Sexuality and the Trinity
1995-588a Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 1-3; #1995-588a

1995-588b Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Introduction: Biblical Hermeneutics and General Hermeneutics," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 5-13; McGrath 1995-588b

Introduction: Biblical Hermeneutics and General Hermeneutics
1995-588c Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Complex Background of Biblical Interpretation," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 15-39; #1995-588c

The Complex Background of Biblical Interpretation
1995-588d Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Phusikos kai theologikos: St Paul and Athenagoras at Athens," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 40-55; #1995-588d

Phusikos kai theologikos: St Paul and Athenagoras at Athens
1995-588e Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Kerygmatic Proclamation of the Gospel: Irenaeus, The Demonstration of Apostolic Preaching," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 56-74; #1995-588e

Kerygmatic Proclamation of the Gospel
1995-588f Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Dramatic Proclamation of the Gospel: Melito of Sardis, Homily on the Passion," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 75-92; #1995-588f

Dramatic Proclamation of the Gospel
1995-588g Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Early Patristic Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 93-129; #1995-588g

Early Patristic Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures
1995-588h Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Hermeneutics of Clement of Alexandria," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 130-178; #1995-588h

The Hermeneutics of Clement of Alexandria
1995-588i Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Athanasius: A Study in the Foundations of Classical Theology," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 179-228; #1995-588i

Athanasius: A Study in the Foundations of Classical Theology
1995-588j Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Hermeneutics of Athanasius," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 229-288; #1995-588j

The Hermeneutics of Athanasius
1995-588k Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Greek Conception of Space in the Background of Early Christian Theology," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 289-342; #1995-588k

The Greek Conception of Space in the Background of Early Christian Theology
1995-588m Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Relation of the Incarnation to Space in Nicene Theology," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 343-373; #1995-588m

The Relation of the Incarnation to Space in Nicene Theology
1995-588n Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Logic and Analogic of Biblical and Theological Statements in the Greek Fathers," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 374-391; #1995-588n

The Logic and Analogic of Biblical and Theological Statements in the Greek Fathers
1995-588o Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Transition to the West: The Interpretation of Biblical and Theological Statements according to Hilary of Poitiers," in Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 392-427; #1995-588o

Transition to the West
1995-590 Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Incarnation et Rachat: Theôsis et hénôsis à la Lumière du Refus Moderne et Scientifique du Dualisme," in Le Salut Chrétien: Unité et Diversité des Conceptions à Travers l'Histoire, ed. Jean-Louis Leuba (Paris: Desclée; Académie Internationale des Sciences Religieuses, 1995), 231-250; #1995-590

Incarnation et Rachat: Theôsis et hénôsis
1995-591 Book chapter 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "J. R. Porter's "Erroneous and Strange Doctrine"," in Faith and Worship (London: 1995), 24-25; #1995-591

J. R. Porter's "Erroneous and Strange Doctrine"
1995-592 Journal article 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Qiang Church," Friends of the Church in China Newsletter 29 (1995); #1995-592

The Qiang Church
1995-594 Journal article 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Uniqueness of Divine Revelation and the Authority of the Scriptures: The Creed Association Statement," Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology 13 (1995): 97-101; #1995-594

The Uniqueness of Divine Revelation and the Authority of the Scriptures
1995-TFT-1 Journal article 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of James E. Loder and W. Jim Neidhardt, The Knight's Move: The Relational Logic of the Spirit in Theology and Science, Scottish Journal of Theology 48 (1995): 139-140; #1995-TFT-1

Review of James E. Loder and W. Jim Neidhardt, The Knight's Move
1995-588 Book 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995); #1995-588

Divine Meaning
1995-589 Book 1995 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, The Uniqueness of Divine Revelation and the Authority of Scripture (Edinburgh: Rutherford House, 1995); #1995-589

The Uniqueness of Divine Revelation and the Authority of Scripture
1995-CNTC-01 Book 1995 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, A Harmony of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark and Luke, and the Epistles of James and Jude, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. A. W. Morrison and T. H. L. Parker, Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, vols. 1-3 (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1994-1995); #1995-CNTC-01

Calvin's Commentaries, A Harmony of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark and Luke, and the Epistles of James and Jude
1995-CNTC-04 Book 1995 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Gospel According to St John, 1-10, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. T. H. L. Parker, Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, vol. 4 (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1995); #1995-CNTC-04

Calvin's Commentaries, The Gospel According to St John, 1-10
1995-CNTC-06 Book 1995 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Acts of the Apostles 1-13, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. W. J. G. McDonald and John W. Fraser, Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, vol. 6 (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1995); #1995-CNTC-06

Calvin's Commentaries, The Acts of the Apostles 1-13
1995-CNTC-07 Book 1995 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Acts of the Apostles 14-28, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. John W. Fraser, Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, vol. 7 (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1995); #1995-CNTC-07

Calvin's Commentaries, The Acts of the Apostles 14-28
1995-CNTC-08 Book 1995 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Epistles of Paul The Apostle to the Romans and to the Thessalonians, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. Ross MacKenzie, Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, vol. 8 (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1995); #1995-CNTC-08

Calvin's Commentaries, The Epistles of Paul The Apostle to the Romans and to the Thessalonians
1994-574 Journal article 1994-4 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Christ's People in a Secular World," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland (1994): 14-5; #1994-574

Christ's People in a Secular World
1994-575 Journal article 1994-4 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Church Finance and Mission," Ministers' Forum: News & Views for Ministers of the Church of Scotland (1994): 2; #1994-575

Church Finance and Mission
1994-587 Journal article 1994-3-27 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "'What He Meant by Heresy', a Defense of George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury, against the Editor," The Sunday Telegraph 1712 (1994): 32; #1994-587

'What He Meant by Heresy'
1994-582 Journal article 1994-3-18 Torrance, Thomas F.

Torrance, Thomas F. "Professor Donald Mackinnon." Church Times (1994):4

Professor Donald Mackinnon
1994-581 Journal article, Newspaper 1994-3-1 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Professor Alan Lewis," The Scotsman, Mar 1 (1994): 14; #1994-581

Professor Alan Lewis
1994-581 Journal article, Newspaper 1994-3-1 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Professor Alan Lewis," The Scotsman, Mar 1 (1994): 14; #1994-581

Professor Alan Lewis
1994-583 Journal article 1994-1-3 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Reaffirming the Cornerstone of Faith," The Scotsman, Jan 3 (1994): 4; #1994-583

Reaffirming the Cornerstone of Faith
1994-586 Journal article 1994-1-17 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, “The Truth of the Virgin Birth Is Not about ‘Immaculate Conception’,” The Herald (1994): ; #1994-586

The Truth of the Virgin Birth Is Not about 'Immaculate Conception'
1994-585 Journal article 1994-1-14 Torrance, Thomas F. The Truth of the Virgin Birth
1994-571b Book chapter 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Incarnation and Atonement in the Light of Modern Scientific Rejection of Dualism," in Preaching Christ Today: The Gospel and Scientific Thinking (Grand Rapids, Michigan: W. B. Eerdmans, 1994), 41-71; #1994-571b

Incarnation and Atonement in the Light of Modern Scientific Rejection of Dualism
1994-573a Book chapter 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface," in Trinitarian Perspectives: Toward Doctrinal Agreement (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1994), 1-5; #1994-573a

1994-573b Book chapter 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity according to St Athanasius," in Trinitarian Perspectives: Toward Doctrinal Agreement (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1994), 7-20; #1994-573b

The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity according to St Athanasius
1994-573c Book chapter 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity in Gregory Nazianzen and John Calvin," in Trinitarian Perspectives: Toward Doctrinal Agreement (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1994), 21-40; #1994-573c

The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity in Gregory Nazianzen and John Calvin
1994-580 Journal article 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Prescription et Description: Loi Morale et loi Naturelle," Ethique: La Vie en Question 13 (1994): 101-109; #1994-580

Prescription et Description
1994-579 Journal article 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Ought and the Is: Moral Law and Natural Law," Insights: The Faculty Journal of Austin Seminary 109 (1994): 49-59; #1994-579

The Ought and the Is
1994-576 Journal article 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Doctrine of the Virgin Birth," Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology 12 (1994): 8-25; #1994-576

The Doctrine of the Virgin Birth
1994-JBT-2 Audiovisual material 1994 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, Grace, Law and Atonement (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1994),; #1994-JBT-2

Grace, Law and Atonement
1994-JBT-3 Audiovisual material 1994 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, The Forgotten Trinity: The Way of Worship (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 1994;; #1994-JBT-3

The Forgotten Trinity: The Way of Worship
1994-571 Book 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Preaching Christ Today: The Gospel and Scientific Thinking (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1994); #1994-571

Preaching Christ Today: The Gospel and Scientific Thinking
1994-572 Book 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Preaching Christ Today (Carberry: Handsel Press, 1994); #1994-572

Preaching Christ Today
1994-573 Book 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Trinitarian Perspectives: Toward Doctrinal Agreement (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1994); #1994-573

Trinitarian Perspectives: Toward Doctrinal Agreement
1994-CNTC-05 Book 1994 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Gospel according to St John 11-21, and the First Epistle of John, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. T. H. L. Parker, Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, vol. 5 (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1994); #1994-CNTC-05

Calvin's Commentaries, The Gospel according to St John 11-21, and the First Epistle of John
1994-CNTC-12 Book 1994 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, The Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Hebrews; and the First and Second Epistles of St Peter, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. William B. Johnston, Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, vol. 12 (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1994); #1994-CNTC-12

Calvin's Commentaries, The Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Hebrews; and the First and Second Epistles of St Peter
1994-571a Book chapter 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preaching Christ Today," in Preaching Christ Today: The Gospel and Scientific Thinking (Grand Rapids, Michigan: W. B. Eerdmans, 1994), 1-40; #1994-571a

Preaching Christ Today
1994-573d Book chapter 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Calvin's Doctrine of the Trinity," in Trinitarian Perspectives: Toward Doctrinal Agreement (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1994), 41-76; #1994-573d

Calvin's Doctrine of the Trinity
1994-573e Book chapter 1994 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Toward an Ecumenical Consensus on the Trinity," in Trinitarian Perspectives: Toward Doctrinal Agreement (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1994), 77-102; #1994-573e

Toward an Ecumenical Consensus on the Trinity