On any page, survey the general layout.
Header and Body
The Header contains links for Mission | Join | Contact us; and Main Navigation tabs.
The Body has a three-column layout: A main content area with two sidebars (left and right margins).
- Left sidebar: Not always present. Varies according to page type.
- Main content area: Always present. Content unique to each page.
- Right sidebar: Always present.
- A General Search box appears in the right sidebar of every page.
- Social Media buttons in the right sidebar enable anyone to quickly and easily share any given page via Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Linked-In, Twitter, Google+ or email.
- Other content varies according to page type.
The Footer contains a teaser for the Mission statement, contact email, rss subscription, and links to various helps, including the tutorial, development roadmap and sitemap. The "Find by #" feature is explained in the Search section of this tutorial.