Participatio, & taxonomies revisited
1. Original Publication
If you're picking up from where the previous tutorial left off, you are on record #2016-GWD-1 in the Studies bibliography, a chapter by Gary Deddo in the book Trinity and Transformation (click the link to resume the tutorial at this point).
From this chapter record, click on the Original Publication # and see where it goes.
2. Journal Article
What's different about this new page compared to the Trinity and Transformation chapter page you came from?
- Hint: look at the Reference Type and the Abstract fields. This is a Journal Article record, an article from Participatio, not a chapter from a book.
- Want to tweet a quote from this article? Why not use the Share buttons in the top right?
- Look for Downloads in the right sidebar, just beneath the Item Links block. Links to open resources in various formats are provided in this Downloads area, along with a list of the different file formats available (e.g., PDF, image, audio, video, doc, presentation, spreadsheet, etc.).
- What's the difference? The Item Links block is used for outgoing links that take you away from the current page (including links to externally-hosted resources, offered on other websites). The Downloads area is used to open resources for the current record that are hosted on this website.
Click in the Item Links block (right sidebar) on the link for "Participatio contents page."
3. Participatio Table of Contents
You should find yourself now on the table of contents page for the particular issue of Participatio that contained this journal article.
Is the Participatio tab highlighted?
The highlight indicates that you are no longer in the Studies bibliography but in the Participatio section of the website.
Survey the layout of this Participatio contents page.
Is there an explanation here of the differences between the journal issue and the later book?
At the bottom of the page is a list of people. Click "Deddo, Gary W." to see a taxonomy index for Gary.
4. All Souls Taxonomy Index
Do you see the "GWD" link to the Member Profile for Gary that we have visited before?
Remember: You must be logged-in to view Member Profiles.
Return to the Participatio contents page either by finding it in the list or by using the back button in your browser.
5. Book Navigation: Previous, Up, Next
Near the bottom of the Participatio contents page is an "Up" link. The links on either side go to similar tables of contents for previous and subsequent issues of Participatio. Click "Up" to go to the Participatio main landing page.
6. Participatio Main Page
Survey the layout of the Participatio main landing page. This page links to every issue. It is directly accessed at any time using the Participatio tab in the main navigation bar.
Tip: As a shortcut, you can go directly to the Participatio tab by simply entering in your browser.
What if you want to see all the articles by a given author at a glance? Must you dive into every volume separately to go on a fishing expedition searching for names? Nope. For this reason, there is an Index to Participatio articles on the main Participatio tab, just after the list of volumes. Every article in every issue of Participatio is listed in the index table. One may sort by Author, Date, Volume, or # using the controls. For example, to see all articles by a given author grouped together, sort by Author Name and then scroll down. So one may immediately see, for example, that David W. Torrance has contributed six articles so far to Participatio.